Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Pre-release or release?

          I’ve come to notice that there’s a mix between people’s feelings about the pre-release weekend, as well as the release weekend. Some like doing the pre-release better and some like doing the release better. There even people that don’t like to go to either releases at all, they rather just get to booster box or whichever and just use it for Friday night magic or an event involving magic.

          I myself only been to 2 pre-releases and they weren’t all that bad. Even if you don’t win at what tournaments they have set up, you’re still leaving with a bunch of the new cards before it’s even out to the general public, to me that screams bragging rights. Sure in most cases you don’t get that absolute best card they have for the set, but still you can get some pretty decent cards out of it, maybe even a Planeswalker or a god card could be pulled.

          It don’t really matter which release I go to, I’m still walking away with a bunch of cards. I don’t know about everyone else’s LGS, but the one I go to do the same stuff in the release as they did in the pre-release. It’s still fun to go to and hang out with other players. Maybe even show a new player how to play, which is a lot of fun to do. In other words my preference is either one of the releases, which is if I can afford to go to one of them.

          Born of the gods the second set of the theros block pre-release is February  1-2, 2014. The official release weekend is February 7-9 (technically the 8th considering it’s a midnight release on the 7th) and game day is March 1-2, 2014. Hope everyone will enjoy the new set.

          What’s your preference? Pre-release or release? Please leave a comment of your thoughts.

          Thanks for reading my blog.

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